Saturday, February 25, 2006

Olbermann-O'Reilly Deathmatch Update

Tonight on his show, Keith Olbermann spoke about Bill O'Reilly's petition to have Phil Donahue re-hired by MSNBC to replace Olbermann out of "concern" for the network's "lost viewership".

However, Olbermann notes that his show's ratings have risen - 20% last year, and a further 6% so far this year - while O'Reilly's have dropped by 21%.

After reminescing about past shows where he took O'Reilly (or, as Olbermann refers to him, "The Big Head") to task, Olbermann said he "felt bad" and understood why O'Reilly was trying to get him fired. In fact, in an attempt to help foster the "inter-network comeraderie" that O'Reilly insists there ought to be, Olbermann signed Bill's petition. What a guy.

At the end of the piece, cameras inside MSNBC's offices showed a looooooong line of MSNBC employees (and even some former employees!) waiting for their turn to sign the online petition, as well.

Watch the clip. You will laugh until it hurts. Keep an eye our for Olbermann's Bill O'Reilly/Ted Knight (from The Mary Tyler-Moore Show) impression. Absolutely hilarious!

All the best,

Sex Pistols to Hall of Fame: "We're not your monkeys."

The Sex Pistols, considered by just about every rational, thinking human being to be the godfathers of Punk, are going to be inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame.

And they couldn't care less.

In a rather harsh, hand-written letter to the organization that runs the Hall of Fame, the group said that they would not be attending the induction ceremony, and said the museum run by the organization is "urine in wine." The text of the letter (errors and all) is as follows:
Next to the SEX-PISTOLS rock and roll and that hall of fame is a piss stain. Your museum. Urine in wine. Were not coming. Were not your monkey and so what? Fame at $25,000 if we paid for the table or $15000 to sqeak up the gallery goes to a non-profit organisation selling us a load of old famous. Congradulations. If you voted for us, hope you noted your reasons. Your anonymous as judges, but your still music industry people. Were not coming. Your not paying attention. Outside the shit-storm is a a real SEX PISTOL.
The band, consisting of main members Johnny Rotten, Steve Jones, Glen Matlock, Paul Cook and the late Sid Vicious, released the album Never Mind the Bollucks, Here's the Sex Pistols, which featured the hits "Anarchy in the UK", "God Save the Queen", "Pretty Vacant" and "Holidays in the Sun", in 1977. In January of the next year, singer Johnny Rotten quit the band. Sid Vicious, the band's bassist, moved to New York, where he continued as a solo artist. The other members of the band went to Brazil on a "working vacation".

In October of 1978, Sid Vicious was arrested for the murder of his girlfriend, Nancy Spungen. He died four months later of a heroine overdose.

Responding to the letter from the group, Susan Evans, director of the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame Foundation, said: "They are being the outrageous punksters they are, and that’s rock and roll.”

All the best,

Friday, February 24, 2006

Bill O'Reilly Wants To Take His Ball And Go Home

After failing to win a lawsuit against writer/comedian/radio host Al Franken and then starting an all-out war of words, Bill O'Reilly has decided to try getting Franken in trouble with the Federal Exchange Commission. And now he also wants Keith Olbermann fired and replaced with Phil Donahue!

The lawsuit against Franken, instituted by O'Reilly and filed by Fox News, tried to get Franken to remove the phrase "Fair and Balanced" from the title of his 2004 book, Lies and the Lying Liars Who Tell Them: A Fair and Balanced Look at the Right because Fox believed it was a trademarked phrase. The case was thrown out, Franken was allowed to keep the phrase in the title.

Since that time, O'Reilly has made a point to take cheap shots at Franken and Air America Radio, the radio network that hosts The Al Franken Show, whenever possible. He has claimed on numerous occasions that the network was running out of money, its ratings were dropping, etc. He has consistently downplayed the network's (and Franken's) popularity, often referring to them as "far left" and "hate-mongers".

O'Reilly's latest bid against Franken is an attempt to have him investigated by the FEC for possibly getting an advance on his salary sometime in the near future for a Senate bid that Franken hasn't even announced! This, in O'Reilly's distorted view qualifies as money laundering.

According to a Newshounds article, here is O'Reilly's argument:
  1. The Democracy Alliance is MAYBE going to donate $8 million to keep Air America Radio on the air through the 2006 election. (O'Reilly used the words "is reportedly going to donate," clearly indicating that he has absolutely no idea whether or not such a donation is going to be made.)

  2. Al Franken's salary is paid by Air America Radio.

  3. Al Franken may or may not run for the Senate in Minnesota.

  4. Al Franken "will borrow against his Air America salary to launch his Senate race" until he can pay it back from donations (a common practice used by many who wish to run for office).

  5. Since Al Franken MIGHT POSSIBLY get a salary that MIGHT POSSIBLY come from funds donated by the "Democracy Alliance," then Al Franken MIGHT POSSIBLY be guilty of election fraud.

  6. Therefore, outraged citizen that he is, O'Reilly stated that he is going to file a report on this with the Federal Election Commission.

The whole point of O'Reilly's argument is based on a reference an August 7th, 2005 Washington Post article that talks about the group's plans to donate $80 million "to fund a network of think tanks and advocacy groups to compete with the potent conservative infrastructure built up over the past three decades." But O'Reilly didn't get his information from the Post article. He got it from a Boston-based blogger named Brian Maloney, who dug up the article because, apparently, he's got a lot of free time on his hands and wants to be just like Bill when he grows up. (Sorry... No link to Maloney's site. It's not worth my time. If you want to see it that badn, Google the guy's name.)

Now, moving on the MSNBC's Keith Olbermann, O'Reilly has decided that he cares about MSNBC's rating. In fact, he cares so much that he's sponsoring a petition to get Olbermann replaced with the previous host, Phil Donahue. The petition, directed to NBC Chairman Robert Wright, reads as follows:
February 22, 2006
Chairman Robert Wright
National Broadcasting Company
30 Rockefeller Plaza
New York, New York 10112

Dear Chairman Wright:

We, the undersigned, are becoming increasingly concerned about the well-being of MSNBC and, in particular, note the continuing ratings failure of the program currently airing weeknights on that network at 8:00 PM EST.

It is now apparent to everyone that a grave injustice has been done to the previous host for that time slot, Phil Donahue, whose ratings, at the time of his show's cancellation three years ago, were demonstrably stronger than those of the current host.

Therefore, in an effort to rescue MSNBC from the ratings basement and to restore the honor and dignity of Mr. Donahue, who was ignobly removed as host three years ago, we ask that you immediately bring Phil Donahue's show back at 8:00 PM EST before any more damage is done.

Suddenly, O'Reilly is so concerned about the ratings at MSNBC? Why do you suppose that is? It couldn't be because Olbermann has ranked O'Reilly "Worst Person In The World" numerous times on his show, could it? Or maybe it's because Olbermann consistenly points out O'Reilly's line of bull? (Here's a good - not to mention funny - example of that, where Olbermann smacks down O'Reilly on numerous lies.)

This feud between O'Reilly and Olbermann has been going on since at least last year, and Olbermann's former co-worker, John Gibson (who worked at MSNBC before going to Fox, and Olbermann considered a friend at one time) has been right in there fighting alongside O'Reilly. (Gibson joined O'Reilly in the ridiculous "War On Christmas" campaign that, it turns out, was completely fabricated by Fox, according to a former producer from the network.)

And it just continues... Recently, New York Times columnist Nicholas Kristof challenged O'Reilly to visit Darfur in Africa and see the continuing genocide, which O'Reilly had all but ignored. After Kristof suggested that O'Reilly wasting his time on his "War On Christmas", O'Reilly shot back, calling Kristof a "left-wing idealogue."

In a response from his column, Kristof issued the challenge to O'Reilly, who claimed he couldn't do it because he had a radio show and television show to do. Again in response, Kristof, showing the kind of initiative that a good reporter should, started a pledge drive to raise enough money for O'Reilly's trip, as well as a state-of-the-art satellite phone so O'Reilly could continue to do his show.

What started out as a half-joke has now garnered so much support that Kristof has raised $727,568 in pledges to send O'Reilly to Darfur. According to an article at the Editor&Publisher website, Kristof has been "deluged by 6,675 pledges, averaging a bit more than $100." With the amount of money pledges, Kristof says, "Mr. O'Reilly will be able to fly first class with the very best satellite phones and fill his water bottles with San Pelegrino." I assume that it also would cover a return ticket, although I am by no means insisting that there should be one.

O'Reilly's response was typically cowardly, attempting to change the subject. Kristof, he says, "couldn't care less if I travel to Darfur. He should direct his ire at the U.N."

The next obvious question is, who will O'Reilly piss of next?

Stay tuned.

All the best,

Further Update: UAE To Delay Port Takeover

The United Arab Emerites has agreed to put its takeover of six major American ports on hold so the White House can "convince skeptical lawmakers the deal poses no increased risks from terrorism," according to an Associated Press article. It did not, however, say how long it would wait for the discussion to happen before it does take control of the ports.

From the article:

"A simple cooling-off period will not allay our concerns," said Sen. Charles Schumer, D-N.Y.

Sen. Robert Menendez, D-N.J., said the company's offer "isnt worth the paper on which it is written."

"If the Bush administration will not stop this deal from closing, Congress must." Menendez said.

Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton, D-N.Y., urged Bush to conduct a broader review of potential terrorism risks. Rep. Vito Fosella, a New York Republican, said the administration should more fully explain why it concluded the sale was safe.

In related news, I have two bits from CNN's Lou Dobbs. First, a clip from Dobbs' show about connections between the UAE and the Bush family.
From the transcript:

DOBBS: President Bush's family and members of the Bush administration have long-standing business connections with the United Arab Emirates, and those connections are raising new concerns and questions tonight in some quarters about why the president is defying his very own party leadership and his party in defending the Dubai port deal.

CHRISTINE ROMANS: The oil-rich United Arab Emirates is a major investor in The Carlyle Group, the private equity investment firm where President Bush's father once served as senior adviser and is a who's who of former high-level government officials. Just last year, Dubai International Capital, a government-backed buyout firm, invested in an $8 billion Carlyle fund.

Another family connection, the president's brother, Neil Bush, has reportedly received funding for his educational software company from the UAE investors. A call to his company was not returned.

Then there is the cabinet connection. Treasury Secretary John Snow was chairman of railroad company CSX. After he left the company for the White House, CSX sold its international port operations to Dubai Ports World for more than a billion dollars.

In Connecticut today, Snow told reporters he had no knowledge of that CSX sale. "I learned of this transaction probably the same way members of the Senate did, by reading about it in the newspapers."

Another administration connection, President Bush chose a Dubai Ports World executive to head the U.S. Maritime Administration. David Sanborn, the former director of Dubai Ports' European and Latin American operations, he was tapped just last month to lead the agency that oversees U.S. port operations.

In the second clip, Dobbs takes Dubya up on his challenge to anyone critical of the Dubai Ports World deal to come forward and explain why.
From the transcripts:

DOBBS: ...President Bush has put forth a challenge tonight that I simply can't ignore. The president yesterday said he wanted those who are critical and questioning of this port deal to "step up and explain why all of a sudden a Middle Eastern company is held to a different standard than a Great British company."

Well, first of all, Mr. President, to equate any country to your principal partner in the coalition ignores that special relationship this country's enjoyed with the United Kingdom for decades and decades. This also is not just a British company and an Arab company, as I think you well know.

Peninsula and Oriental Steam Navigation is a British privately owned company. Dubai Ports World is a UAE government controlled and owned company. You see the difference, of course.

And furthermore, the money used to fund the 9/11 attacks, most of it, in fact, was sent to the hijackers through the UAE banking system. In fact, two of the hijackers were originally from the UAE.

The UAE stonewalled U.S. efforts to track al Qaeda bank accounts after 9/11. In addition, the Emirates does not recognize Israel as a sovereign state. And the UAE was a transfer point for shipments of nuclear technology to Iran, North Korea and Libya.

And if those aren't good enough reasons, I would just suggest I'm at a complete loss to offer what might be considered good reasons.
They sound like good enough reasons to me. And who knows? Maybe someone at DPW was watching CNN and saw the clip. The President, who found out about the deal on television, but also seems to me to be more of a Fox News guy, obviously didn't see it, as he is still pushing for the deal to be approved.

All the best,

Thursday, February 23, 2006

Port Deal Update: Terrorists Tied-In, Congress Complains, Bush Backpedals

An AP article released today says that the 9/11 Commission's report "raised concers that UAE officials were directly associating with bin Laden as recently as 1999." The report also states that bin Laden visited a hunting camp used by the UAE in the Afghan desert.

According to the AP report, commission sources claimed that "Bin Laden regularly went from his adjacent camp to the larger camp where he visited the Emiratis ... National technical intelligence confirmed the location and description of the larger camp and showed the nearby presence of an official aircraft of the United Arab Emirates."

Alongside this, in a September 14th, 2001 report, Guardian Unlimited reported that investigators had not only connected some of the September 11th terrorists to the UAE, but also noted that one of the bombers of the U.S.S. Cole had received his orders from a co-conspirator based inside the UAE.

The UAE (United Arab Emerites) has made a $6.8 billion bid to purchase the company that handles six major U.S. ports. The White House initially said that there was no reason to hold up the deal. In an impromptu press conference aboard Air Force One on Tuesday, Dubya told the members of the press that were traveling with him that he fully believed that the deal should be allowed to go through. It was revealed shortly afterward that the President had not even heard about the deal until after his administration had approved the deal. That did not, however, keep him from insisting that everything was fine, and that there was no security risk - an issue of concern to numerous members of Congress who have contacted the White House about the port deal.

The latest news is that 11 House representatives from the House Judiciary Committee, led by Jon Conyers, Jr. (D-MI), sent a letter to Treasury Secretary John Snow, Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld, Homeland Security Secretary Michael Chertoff, and Attorney General Alberto Gonzales questioning whether or not the port deal with Dubai was legal.

The letter, signed by Representatives Conyers, Howard Berman (D-CA), Rick Boucher (D-VA), Jerrold Nadler (D-NY), Sheila Jackson Lee (D-TX), Marty Meehan (D-MA), William Delahunt (D-MA), Robert Wexler (D-FL), Anthony D. Weiner (D-NY), Linda Sanchez (D-CA), Chris Van Hollen (D-MD), and Debbie Wasserman-Schultz (D-FL), also puts forth several questions they would like answers to:
  1. What is your legal authority for failing to conduct mandatory reviews even where security concerns could be implicated? Has this legal interpretation been reviewed and confirmed by anyone in the present Administration - either before or after the September 11, 2001 attacks?

  2. Were memoranda or other materials prepared outlining this legal interpretation by anyone in the present Administration? If so, by whom? Please provide copies of such memoranda or other materials. Were any dissenting memoranda or other materials prepared? If so, by whom? Please provide copies of such memoranda or other materials.

  3. Did the President review the decision to approve the DPW transaction? Did he delegate his mandatory authority to make these decisions to other individuals within the Administration? If so, when and to whom? Please provide a copy of any delegation materials.

  4. How many foreign direct investment transactions have been approved by the Administration? How many of these have been subject to the mandatory 45-day review period required by the Byrd Amendment?
Question number 3 is an easy answer: No, he didn't review it. Scotty McClellan said as much in a press conference Wednesday. (Sorry... The only clip I could find concerning the press conference comes from The Daily Show. But that's okay, because it's funny, too!) According to McClellan, Dubya found out about the deal...after it had been watching the news.

In an attempt to convince everyone that the deal has to go through, the Pentagon today fell back on that old classic, "If it doesn't go through, the terrorists have won," according to a CNN article:

Deputy Defense Secretary Gordon England told the Senate Armed Services Committee that blocking the deal could ostracize one of the United States' few Arab allies.

"The terrorists want our nation to become distrustful," England said. "They want us to become paranoid and isolationist, and my view is we cannot allow this to happen. It needs to be just the opposite."

Meanwhile, Karl Rove, speaking today on Tony Snow's Fox News radio program, said the president is now considering delaying the deal, adding that the deal still isn't done in the United Kingdom.

From the article linked above:
"There are some hurdles, regulatory hurdles, that this still needs to go through on the British side as well that are going to be concluded next week," Rove said. "There's no requirement that it close immediately after that. But our interest is in making certain the members of Congress have full information about it, and that, we're convinced, will give them a level of comfort with this."
Quite a reversal from earlier in the week.

More as this story develops.

All the best,

My First Crack At A Political Cartoon

Whaddaya think?

All the best,

Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Dubya's True Colors Show In Dubai Deal

Today's post is pretty link-intensive, so please bear with me.

In a show of where his real interests lay, the President has threatened to veto any law passed by congress that would slow down or stop the sale of Peninsular and Oriental Steam Navigation, a British-run company that currently runs six U.S. seaports, to the state-owned Dubai Ports World of the United Arab Emerites.

Congress is in an uproar on both sides of the aisle, with the exception of White House lapdog Joe Lieberman (D-CT), who believes that the connection between the UAE and some of the 9/11 terrorists isn't enough to stop the deal (even though he signed a letter from himself and three other senators questioning this exact issue). Apparently, he also isn't concerned that Osama bin Laden was treated in Dubai in 2002, where he was visited by CIA agents, as well as members of the UAE Royal Family. Republicans have been surprisingly rabid in their opposition to this deal, even though they had worked hard to undermine Democrat-supported measures to increase port security in the past.

President Bush was not even aware of the deal until after it was already cleared by his administration. However, this didn't stop him from pushing it to a captive press corps traveling with him on Air Force One Monday. On a related note, Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld, at a press conference Tuesday, said he hadn't even heard of the deal until this past weekend, although he sits on the panel that is supposed to have unanimously approved this deal, which had been approved on January 17th.

One thing to consider: When Tom DeLay thinks your actions are questionable, it might be time to put it on hold and take a closer look at it. But Dubya has promised to veto any law that requires a halt to the deal. After five years, and having never used his veto power up to now, for this he's going to break out the Magic Pen? (Note: This is not, however, the first time he's threatened to use it. The first time he waved his veto pen around was when congress was looking at their anti-torture legislation. He balked. It passed.)

It really isn't that much of a problem if he does decide to veto, because Congress can override the veto and force the issue. But that's not the issue. The issue here is that the president - "I'm a uniter, not a divider"; "The security of Americans is our number one priority" - is giving America and its people the finger and passing a sweet deal to his buddies (and former business partners).

Alongside all of this, new information has been made available that there is a law that requires a 45-day hold on a deal when the company is run by a foreign government, as well as when it could affect national security. In this case, it should have happened for both reasons, although it didn't, and the White House cannot explain why. There is an Associated Press article that may shed some light on this, as it explains that the White House worked out a special deal with Dubai that would bypass this, as well as other requirements.

The state of New Jersey, which hosts one of the ports that would be taken over by Dubai, said it would file a suit to block the deal in State and Federal courts.

In a bid to get more people on their side, Dubai has hired former Senator and former Republican presidential nominee Bob Dole to lobby for them. They sure know how to get in touch with the people...

More on this as it develops further.


Today's Bit of Funny: is hosting a monthly contest, called the Contageous Festival, to find the Internet's "next big viral success story." My favorite one this month is called "Jesusaur!!" Check it out. It's approved by the Kansas School Board!

All the best,

Sunday, February 19, 2006

Weekend Round-Up: Bring Da Noise, Bring Da Funk Edition

It's been a few days, so let's take a look at what happened over the weekend.
  • Harry Whittington, the 78-year old lawyer from Texas that Vice President "Big Dick" Cheney shot in the face last Saturday, was released from Christus Spohn Memorial Hospital in Corpus Christi on Friday. Reading a prepared statement to the press, he apologized to the Vice President "for all he had to go through." (The Huffington Post helped Cheney release a musical tribute to Whittington. They also have a more lyrical statement from Whittington.) What the hell? Apparently, being in the way of the Vice President's birdshot when he's trying to shoot a bird is clearly an affront and worthy of an apology.
  • Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid (D-NV) apologized on Friday to 33 Republican senators whom he had singled out for ethics criticism in a report he released Thursday, entitled "Republican Abuse of Power." Again, what the hell? Shouldn't the people who violate ethical standards in the Senate be brought to the public's attention?
  • Representative Randall "Duke" Cunningham was sentenced to 10 years for accepting more than a few bribes. As the 35-page sentencing memorandum says, "Having admitted unparalleled corruption, defendant Randall H. Cunningham now comes before the Court to be sentenced for his stunning betrayal of the public trust."

  • Dubya lies a lot. No, really. A whole lot. Glenn Greenwald listened to a speech given a few days ago, and made a neat little list of propaganda and lies from the mouth of the Chimp-in-Chief himself.

  • Ann "Man Hands" Coulter, a favorite of my brother ("I think she's funny," he says), is looking at the possibility of five years in jail for voter fraud. Coulter, a far-right mouthpiece who is better known for being a bitter, spiteful skank than for actually knowing what she's talking about, registered to vote in the wrong precinct, willfully falsifying her voter registration, even after a poll worker tried to point out her error. Of course, I have no doubt that Ann will remain true-to-form and say it's some sort of Liberal witch hunt.

  • Former FEMA Director Michael Brown - as in "Brownie, you're doin' a heckuvva job" - told the Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee on Friday that he was being used as a "scapegoat" by the government in the wake of its inadequte response to Hurricane Katrina.

  • In related news, Representative Thomas Davis (R-VA) suggested that FEMA should be made a Cabinet-level organization, stating that FEMA needs to be "at the right arm of the White House during any crisis." White House lapdog Senator Joe Lieberman (D-CT), however, feels that the entire organization should be scrapped and rebuilt, but it should remain under the control of the Department of Homeland Security. In a rare change of policy, I'm siding with the Republican representative. Homeland Security was controlling FEMA when Katrina hit, and we saw how well that worked.

  • Dubai Ports World has been given permission to take over security at six major American ports after purchasing the company that originally handled port security, London-based Peninsular and Oriental Steam Navigation Company. Dubai is a company from the United Arab Emerites and, according to a report from, "[c]ritics have cited the UAE's history as an operational and financial base for the hijackers who carried out the attacks of September 11, 2001. In addition, they contend the UAE was an important transfer point for shipments of smuggled nuclear components sent to Iran, North Korea and Libya by a Pakistani scientist." And let us not forget the personal connection that Dubya and Poppy Bush have with the Saudi royal family. Apparently, cronyism doesn't stop with putting local buddies in cushy cabinet posts.
And now, to finish things off, a few funny bits.

Are you a grown adult who loves rap music but are just too darn embarrassed to walk into a music store and ask for the latest Snoop Dog CD? Do you get a lot of strange looks from the teenagers in the car next to you when you crank up your Sir Mix-A-Lot CD and "kick it old school"? Sure, who doesn't? But worry no more!
  • Thanks to the Gourds you can listen to "Gin and Juice" and still maintain the appearance of being a mature adult.

  • And courtesy of Jonathan Coulton, you can still bump to "Baby Got Back" without, frankly, looking like a complete ninny.
Who doesn't like good political satire?
  • "The House That Jack Bribed" is a great little piece from The Capitol Steps, a political comedy group, about the Abramoff Scandal.

  • Check out The Keyboard Kommandos over at Poor Man Institute. The newest episode is hilarious! Be sure to take a look at the past editions, as well.

  • You remember them from the 2004 election and their hilarious Flash cartoons, including "This Land Is My Land". Go check out the folks at for a few more laughs.
And a few other items, just for kicks...
  • For those of you who enjoy photojournalism, check out this stunning collection of photos documenting Saddam Hussein's thrilling "Rock, Paper, Scissors" battle during his trial! (Make sure to check out the sequel: "The Painting")

  • If you haven't heard of the "Star Wars Kid" video by now, you're no son of mine.

  • Everyone knows the "Roxbury Guys" (played by Chris Kattan and Will Farrell) from Saturday Night Live, right? Well, here's a nifty little page where you can see new versions of them, including Star Wars, Star Trek, Anime, Nintendo and Gigapet versions!

  • I do believe I've found the church for me. Check out the Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster, started by concerned citizen Bobby Henderson, who was trying to convince the Kansas School Board that teaching the theory of Intelligent Design was making a mockery of real science, and ended up inadvertently starting his own religion. The Church of FSM believes that a Flying Spaghetti Monster created the universe. It also believes that the gradual increase of the world's average temperature is directly related to the decrease in the number of pirates. (And they've even got scientific-looking charts to prove it!)

  • And, since you're checking out the Flying Spaghetti Monster, why not go look into some new headgear to wear to church.
And that just about wraps it up for the Weekend Round-Up. Coming up next time, 20 great dining room table centerpieces you can make out of discarded cigarette butts, dryer lint, and old tampon applicators!

All the best,