Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Blurring The Lines Even Further

Fox "News" has posted a story on their website stating that Fox "News" anchor Tony Snow will be taking over the spot recently vacated by White House press secretary Scott McClellan. The announcement is expected to be made Wednesday morning, and comes as a surprise to nobody. It was even predicted by Jon Stewart of The Daily Show, who said that it was "a change in job title, but not in job description."

It may have initially come as a shock to Snow, whose comments (provided by Think Progress) about Dubya in the past have not always been the standard company line. F'rinstance:
Bush has “lost control of the federal budget and cannot resist the temptation to stop raiding the public fisc.” [3/17/06]

George Bush has become something of an embarrassment.” [11/11/05]

When it comes to federal spending, George W. Bush is the boy who can’t say no. In each of his three years at the helm, the president has warned Congress to restrain its spending appetites, but so far nobody has pushed away from the table mainly because the president doesn’t seem to mean what he says.” [The Detroit News, 12/28/03]

“George W. Bush, meanwhile, talks of a pillowy America, full of niceness and goodwill. Bush has inherited his mother’s attractive feistiness, but he also got his father’s syntax. At one point last week, he stunned a friendly audience by barking out absurd and inappropriate words, like a soul tortured with Tourette’s.” [8/25/00]
And my personal favorite:
“He recently tried to dazzle reporters by discussing the vagaries of Congressional Budget Office economic forecasts, but his recitation of numbers proved so bewildering that not even his aides could produce a comprehensible translation. The English Language has become a minefield for the man, whose malaprops make him the political heir not of Ronald Reagan, but Norm Crosby.” [8/25/00]

(More quotes available at the link.)
This should be fun.

Personally, I don't know much about Snow; I can't watch Fox for more than two or three minutes without feeling ill, so I avoid the channel. I know enough about them network itself to say that Jon Stewart was right; Fox "News" is a shill for the Bush Administration. Everyone on Fox is a shill for the administration. They are loathe to bring in anyone who might represent a point of view that isn't the same as theirs.

When there's nothing positive to report about the administration, they resort to reporting about missing white girls. The Natalee Holloway story, which has been covered by the other news channels and programs rather sufficiently, has been beaten to death by Fox, mainly because there really hasn't been a lot of positive things coming out of the White House lately.

When there is a shortage of missing white girl stories, they move on to attack Democrats whenever possible. And their favorite target is still Bill Clinton. But he's not the only target. (Go check out the News Hounds for more. They're great folks, and they monitor Fox "News" constantly to point out the network's biases. Also see Robert Greenwald's excellent documentary, Outfoxed.)

And finally, when there's nothing else to report on, they talk about the ongoing "war" against Christianity. Anchor John Gibson put out a book last Christmas about the so-called "War on Christmas". Bill O'Reilly went on David Letterman and tried to further push the "War on Christmas" agenda, until Letterman shut him down by saying, "I'm not smart enough to debate you on all of this, but I have a feeling about 65% of what you say is crap." There were specials on the network about this supposed "war". I completely ignored them all. Apparently, these Christians who are so upset by people saying "happy holidays" are not aware of the bit in the Bible where Jesus preaches tolerance.

Then, in February, there was just a regular "War on Christianity". (Apparently, Groundhog Day is still safe from us heathens.) This month, there was a "War on Easter". I didn't really pay any attention to this after the whole "War on Christmas" thing, so you'll excuse me if I don't offer you any links. Again, check the News Hounds out. They've got tons of this stuff.

It never ceases to amaze me that these so-called Christians are quick to point out the bits in the Bible that supposedly support their views, but are quick to skip the bits that go against their hate-filled rhetoric. They give legitimate Christians - the ones who are trying to make the world a better place and help their fellow man - a bad rap.

But I'm getting away from the point, whatever it was. What was it again? Oh! Right. Tony Snow as the new press secretary.

Tony Snow is going to be the new press guy, and I'm just about wobbly with anticipation, because although he has carried the Fox "News" line (for the most part) throughout his time there - I know I said I didn't watch him, and it's true, but he wouldn't have lasted long if he didn't toe the company line - I'm also pretty sure he isn't going to appreciate the press corps climbing up his nose the way they did with McClellan. Fox "News" creates a neat little bubble for their personalities, and with the bubble missing, Snow will be eaten alive. I will be watching his first legitimate press briefing with some relish. Will they give him a break as the new guy? Will they start right at him? Will Helen Thomas challenge him to an arm wrestling competition right there? Oh! What exciting times these are!

Of course, the White House is calling it differently. Surprise, surprise.


Some quick hits...

Too Little, Too Late

Dubya has ordered a probe into the high price of gas. Nobody cares because, quite frankly, with his administration in office, there's not going to be a straight answer anyway. (Why expect one now?) He also "temporarily" suspended environmental regulations to refineries to allow them produce more fuel for the country, and put a hold on the purchase of oil for the National Reserve until the end of summer, which will have a minimal impact on the price of gas, at best.

My Brother's Secret Life

For those of you who know me (that would, I assume, be all five of you who actually read this blog), you know about my brother Vern. For several years, he was doing the "good husband/married guy" thing, and had put down his guitar. His wife, Sherrie, Gawd love her, was patient when I would drag my gear to their house and Vern and I would jam - loudly - in the rec room. Now, it seems, she has been medicated thoroughly enough to support his urge to play in public again. More power to both of them.

Anyway, Vern has picked up a gig with a band called My Secret Life. (This is his second band - I think he was getting nervous that I'm in three now, and decided to get back into it before I joined every band in Michigan, leaving him nothing.) Go check out their MySpace page and listen to the tunes. Good stuff. It's on heavy rotation in my car's CD player. Heck, if you're in the area, go check them out! Maybe I'll see you at one of their gigs. (I plan on going to one as soon as my schedule opens up.)

My Damaged, Loaded Life (Rewind)

As I said above, I'm in three bands myself - Damaged Goods, Loaded and, most recently, Rewind. It's been pretty harried lately, trying to keep track of where I'm playing and with whom, but I think I'm getting the hang of it, so bear with me.

Anyhow, this year marks the third year in a row that I've held a Birthday Bash for myself (after much harrassment from friends and coworkers who complained because I didn't celebrate my birthday in any big way). The first year, Loaded had a great time at the Willow Tree Golf Course bar in Melvin. (Town motto: "The middle of nowhere? No, you passed that already.") For the second year, Loaded played at the Golden Dawn in Lexington. (Town motto: "We are a booming metrpolis compared to Melvin!") We almost burned the palce to the ground with some faulty lights. Good times!

This year, however, it's going to be a special event, lasting (unofficially) five weeks! It kicked off last weekend with Loaded at Willow Tree again. This coming weekend, I'll be partying with Rewind at the VFW in St. Clair Shores. The following weekend will be the "official" kickoff of my 3rd Annual Birthday Bash, and I'll be playing with Damaged Goods at Timmy D's in Capac on May 5th and 6th. Come on out!

If you miss the Timmy D's show, I have a show on the 13th with Rewind (more details on this later) and closing it down on the 20th with Loaded. (Again, more details later.) Come on out! Shots of Cabo tequila will be more than welcome!

Bobbie Dumps Here!

Those of you who come here may be familiar with my friend Bobbie's blog, ThatBobbieGirl's Brain Dump. (Especially you, Bobbie.) If you're not, check it out.

Anyhow, from time to time, I get e-mails from Bobbie with some really...interesting links. Here are a few that she recently sent me:
  • When I think candy, I think "Mmmmm... Ear wax..." Doesn't everyone? The best part is that it comes with its own edible "swab"!

  • For those of you who long for simpler days but are not willing to give up the tenuous grasp you have on technology, why not get a bit retro while still maintaining your computer savvy by baking a cake or two with the PC EZ Bake Oven? It fits right into your computer's 5-1/4" drive bay! Seriously! Check it out:
    I have got to get me one of these.

  • And for those of you who enjoy squinty, oily performances by a mumbling buttsteak of a man, Steven Segal is offering up Lightning Bolt! I'm speechless. Really. But the website isn't:
    "All of our drinks are sweetened with an imported sugarcane juice concentrate that is not only all natural, but contains naturally occurring policosanols - that can help maintain healthy cholesterol!"
    Wow! policosanols! Gotta get me some of those!
And that about wraps it up.

Tune in next time, when we build a full-scale replica of the Parthenon using only Ritz crackers and squeeze cheese!

All the best,