Sunday, December 18, 2005

Look Out! They've Got A Jewish Guy!

Hiding Under the Bed – (DCF) – Watch out, world!  The warriors in the farcical “War on Christmas” have brought out the big guns, and you better watch out.

Earlier this month, comedian Jackie Mason announced his involvement with a group called Jews Against the Anti-Defamation of Christmas, a group that stands on the side of ass-clowns like Bill O’Reilly, John Gibson and Sean Hannity in the so-called “War on Christmas”.

What does this mean to you and me?  Not a damn thing.  The bottom line is, there is no “War on Christmas”.  It’s nothing more than an attempt by Fox and its stable of non-journalists to bring together tens of people who are certain that they are being persecuted because of their religious beliefs.

“But, Derek,” I hear you asking, “how do you know that this War on Christmas isn’t a real thing?  What makes you so sure that nobody cares whether you say ‘Merry Christmas’ or ‘Happy Holidays’?”

Well, it’s funny you should ask.

Turns out that former Fox News producer Charlie Reina had this to say about it:

"It’s no surprise, of course, that this phony call to arms, this ‘Christmas (ergo, Christians) Under Attack’ hysteria, emanates from the bowels of Fox News Channel. The network is, after all, ground zero in the culture wars that polarize so much of America these days. Make no mistake about it: Fox is on a mission. Its slogans say, ‘Fair and Balanced’ and ‘We Report, You Decide.’ But in the six years that I worked there, what I heard most from Fox management were mission statements – about turning things around, taking news back from the liberals, and giving ‘middle America’ a voice long denied it by the ‘east coast media elite.’ In other words, using its news report to bring about change -- in the media and, ultimately, in the direction of American culture."

So, what we have here is a former Fox News producer, who is admitting that this whole thing is nothing more than an attempt by the management of Fox News to force the mainstream media into a carbon copy of itself, a media mouthpiece for the right wing.  Really sad.

And now they’ve got Jackie Mason fighting for them.  Who’s next?  Don Rickles?  The reanimated corpse of Rodney Dangerfield?

Come on, Fox!  How about, oh, I dunno, actually reporting on some real news?  Like, perhaps, the fact that the renewal of the Patriot Act was shot down in the Senate by not just the Democrats, but also a few Republicans – including John Sununu of New Hampshire and Larry Craig of Idaho.  Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist, who is currently under investigation for questionable political contributions, also voted against it after he saw which way things were going, so that he would have a chance to raise another vote at a later date.

Or how about reporting on the story in the New York Times concerning “President” Bush’s authorization of illegal spying on U.S. citizens?

Still got nothing?  What about Tom DeLay’s ongoing money laundering trial?  Or the investigation of Karl Rove’s role in outing Valerie Plame?  Or, since I mentioned Bill Frist, what about the new questions concerning his suspicious political contributions?

No.  Instead, Fox wants to convince the 1% of America that watches them that Evil Liberals are trying to take Christmas away from them, while the other 99% of us who watch real news just don’t care.

All the best,


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Do you know if the Patriot Act is officially gone or not yet?

Ket Makura

5:25 PM  
Blogger DrClayForrester said...

As far as I know, they're still trying to work out a deal to get it through, but they're at a bit of a standstill because the White House and the Republicans refuse to accept an extension, and the Democrats and the few Republicans who stood by them are refusing to make the stuff that's up for renewal permanent.

The bottom line is, if they can't reach an agreement by December 31st, all of those sections will expire. Not a huge loss to those of us who, you know, enjoy that whole freedom thing that the Constitution talks about...


6:36 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Your patriot act is no match for me! You may be interested to know that I have already taken over your puny planet and will soon return to destroy you all, Ah HAAA HAAA HAAA HAAA HAAA HAAAAAA!

Phantom of Krankor

10:41 PM  

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