Friday, December 02, 2005

Welcome to The DCF News

Port Huron, MI - (DCF) - Hi there, and welcome to my blog. This is my first time trying to do one of these (although I do maintain two other webpages - Derek Springer's Shameless Self-Promotion and Ask The Doc), so please bear with me until I can get up to speed.

Now, with two other websites already being maintained, I'm sure you're asking yourself, "Is this clown so wrapped up in himself that he has to have yet another outlet for his self-agrandizing propaganda?" The answer to that is, of course, yes. I mean really. If I wasn't interested in what I have to say, do you really think I'd spend this much of my very own free time making sure that it's all recorded for posterity so other people can bask in the glory that is my intellect?

In all seriousness, though, what I'm primarily trying to achieve with this blog is an open discourse, so your views are just as important as mine (although, since this is my blog, my views will be held as The Truth, while anybody who disagrees with me will be considered a liar and a fraud...kinda like Bill O'Reilly, but with more personality).

Anyway, welcome aboard, and I hope you have a nice stay. Also, feel free to comment on anything. Go ahead and agree, disagree, or remain indifferent. Just make sure you take part.

All the best,


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am here and all the better. I like girls with curvy sweaters. Prepare for discourse and my own vanity, a Resource, to your Humanity

8:14 PM  
Blogger ThatBobbieGirl said...

Hey, Doc, this is great -- a blog is much more MST3K-like than a website where nobody can post comments. Don'tcha think?

8:27 AM  
Blogger ThatBobbieGirl said...

BTW - thanks for the link ;-)

8:28 AM  

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