Thursday, March 02, 2006

Washington Spins In His Grave; Earth Thrown From Its Axis!

Another Day, Another Lie

You know, it's gotten to the point where nobody is surprised anymore when they hear that someone in the Bush Administration has lied to the American public. Frankly, more and more people find it shocking when a day goes by that the administration hasn't lied to us. This can't be the way things are supposed to be.

Let's take a look at today's example, shall we?

In an exclusive interview with ABC News' Elizabeth Vargas, the president said that he didn't quite realize how bad it was in new Orleans until "I saw TV reporters interviewing people who were screaming for help." (This would have been on September 2nd, according to Dan Froomkin over at the Washington Post. More on this in shortly.)

Here's an important bit from the Bush interview:

VARGAS: When you look back on those days immediately following when Katrina struck, what moment do you think was the moment that you realized that the government was failing, especially the people of New Orleans?

BUSH: When I saw TV reporters interviewing people who were screaming for help. It looked — the scenes looked chaotic and desperate. And I realized that our government was — could have done a better job of comforting people.

A lot went right, by the way. I don't want to denigrate the efforts of people that really worked hard. Our Coast Guard people were flying incredibly dangerous missions to rescue I think over 30,000 people from the roofs of their homes.

There was, you know, an amazing response from the citizenry who welcomed people who evacuated. And the state and the city evacuated a lot of people, and that caused there to be less loss of life.

But the chaotic scenes were very troubling. It just — it was very unsettling for me to realize our fellow citizens were in near panic wondering where the help was.

Now, let us recall Bush's words back on September 1st of last year, shall we? Here's the video, if you're not familiar with this fabulous bit of acting.

According to Bush in his Good Morning America interview, "I don't think anybody anticipated the breach of the levees."

Unfortunately, it turns out that a whole bunch of people suspected that it might happen, including the Army Corp of Engineers, who reported in 2003 that a Category 5 hurricane would more than likely breach the levees and flood New Orleans. Chris Mooney of American Prospect had written about it as recently as May 23rd of last year. Hell, even Mr. Bill (the little clay guy from Saturday Night Live) knew it!

Wednesday, as a recording of a video conference between Bush, FEMA chief and whipping boy Michael Brown, Homeland Security Secretary Michael Chertoff and several hurrcane experts found its way to the Associated Press and, subsequently, the public, it became clear that this was clearly not the case. (Crooks and Liars has the video, as well as links to a few other stories about it.)

So, once again, Dubya opens that smirking mouth of his, only to shove his foot in, all the way up to the knee.


He Shoots, He Peppers

And, in a follow-up to Vice President "Big Dick" Cheney shooting Harry Whittington, a 78 year-old Texas lawyer, in the face...

For those of you unfamiliar with Alex Jones, he is a rather...eccentric "journalist" who is also quite the fan of conspiracy theories. A quick look at the headlines on his Infowars website offers such tantalizing information as:
  • Gulags for American citizens in final planning stages

  • Is Iraq civil war by design?
And, my favorite...
  • Here's something to chew on: ID in teeth
Now, as I've mentioned before, I'm not a big fan of conspiracy theories, other than for entertainment purposes. However, I found a link somewhere (sorry, but I can't remember where I found it) which led me to this article and video. In the video, Jones uses a shotgun similar to the one that Cheney used to fire at targets in order to prove that there was no way that Cheney was standing 30 yards away from Whittington at the time of the shooting. According to Jones' "scientific proof", Cheney had to be standing between 15 to 18 feet from Whittington in order for the birdshot to spread the way it did. Watch the video. I'll let you decide.

Okay, so it's not that surprising anymore. Nobody really believed Cheney's story to begin with. And, of course, nobody has been able to find out just how much he'd really had to drink before the shooting. However, I just thought that it was an interesting piece.


Olbermann supporters at the Huffington Post create petition to have Bill O'Reilly replaced by Phil Donahue

The Huffington Post's Bob Cesca started a petition last Friday (February 24th) at to have Bill O'Reilly replaced by former MSNBC reporter Keith Olbermann's predecessor, Phil Donahue. An updated article states that they have already collected over 3200 signatures. (Mine's on there somewhere, too. Why not add your own?)

Cesca's petition was created in response to the petition that Bill O'Reilly is hosting on his website to get Olbermann replaced by Donahue, as reported last week. This whole thing is the result of some ugly on-air jabs between Olbermann and O'Reilly on their respective shows. O'Reilly, it seems, is pretty unhappy because he keeps regularly winning the title of "Worst Person in the World" on Olbermann's Countdown show on MSNBC. Apparently, O'Reilly has issues with having his own words used against him. (He's also not too fond of the website Media Matter for America. They regularly take him to task over statements he makes - and then usually denies making.)

Anyway, here's the text of the petition:

"Dear Your Honor Roger Ailes,

We, the undersigned, are becoming increasingly concerned about the mental health of the host of your 8:00 PM EST show. This host has claimed:

1) San Francisco should be attacked by al-Qaeda terrorists ("homicide bombers").

2) There's a conspiracy to cancel the extremely popular Christmas holiday, even though the culture of Christmas is prevalent in America for nearly three months of every year.

3) That opponents of his show favor personal attacks and smearing, while he routinely employs the pejorative "pinheads" to describe anyone who disagrees with him.

4) That he never used the phrase "shut up" even though he's on-record saying that phrase dozens of times.

5) He has yet to publicly address his sexual penchant for soapy falafel sandwiches and female underlings.

6) He routinely misrepresents factual information (often called "lying"), then claims he told the truth, but will occasionally recant and admit to flagrantly misleading his viewers.

(For more citations of your 8:00 PM EST host's growing level of dysfunction, please visit: where there are approximately 400 instances of your host's mental instability.)

As a result, we recommend that you uphold your "fair and balanced" reputation and replace your 8:00 PM EST host with popular talk show host Phil Donahue.

In a recent petition to MSNBC, your host praised Mr. Donahue's ability to draw a large audience and referred to Mr. Donahue's "honor and dignity" -- a perfect fit for Fox News Channel as your current host obviously endorses Donahue's ability to perform in prime time. So he's a perfect replacement for your 8:00 PM EST host who clearly could use some professional psychological assistance.

We look forward to the premiere of The Donahue Factor, weeknights at 8:00 PM on Fox News Channel.

The Undersigned "

Funny thing about O'Reilly's petition: They've removed the link from his website, so you can't see the names people have left. I wonder why... Maybe it's the signatures he's collecting... (It's a little over halfway down the page linked.)
Olbermann: ...You could read the names of who had signed it, until they took that page down because some of the names seemed to be fictitious. Mr. Keith is Great from Faloofah, Montana, for instance, Look at My from Ratings Drop, North Carolina, someone identified simply as Falafel N from The Shower, Wyoming and Andrea Mackris from How‘s Your Cash, PW.
Somewhere around here, there's a website that happened to get a screen shot from Google's webpage cache that shows the entire list, up until it was yanked by O'Reilly. I'll try to find the link and post it here.

And that wraps it up for today. Stay tuned...

All the best,


Blogger ThatBobbieGirl said...

Ok, so Alex is a little "over the top" and he lives by the motto "Walk as loudly as you can and carry a video camera...and a big stick." He has been doing what Michael Moore pretends to do for a lot longer (and he's better at it, IMO)

Alex is great at pointing out when what our leaders (elected or otherwise) say don't jive with the facts. Of course, I might be brainwashed -- I've seen at least 3 of his videos. And, like he tells people to do, we've made copies and given them out to people. Want one?

9:24 AM  
Blogger ThatBobbieGirl said...

Ok, scratch the part where I said he's been doing it longer than Moore. Obviously not possible since Moore is 20 years older. I still think Jones is better at it.

9:28 AM  

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