Monday, February 27, 2006

Bush's Approval Drops, Cheney's Drops Even More; Cheney To Retire?

In what can only be described by those of us here at The DCF News as "quite possibly the funniest news since Dick Cheney shot a 78 year-old Texas lawyer in the face," CBS News has released a poll showing that George "What, Me Worry?" Bush's approval rating has dropped to a new all-time low of 34%. More worryingly for him, among Republicans alone, his overall approval has dropped from 83% in January to 72% today. That's 11% of his base that have turned on him. Approval of his handling in the "War On Terror" has dropped from 87% in January of this year, to 78%.

This newest drop in his approval is no doubt related to his insistance that we, the American people, trust him when he tells us that there would be no security threat if Dubai Ports World took over control of the operation of several U.S. ports. (Most reports say that it is for operation of only 6 ports, but this article states that it is actually for control of 21 ports.) Further, an undated memo from the Coast Guard states that there are too many gaps in their information at the ports, which creates a security risk. After spending the past five years telling us to be afraid of turban-wearing people all over - "because you never know when one of 'em's got a nukyuler weapon in it" - and fostering a sense of paranoia not felt since the era of McCarthyism, we're now expected to completely drop that idea and say, "Oh, well that's all right, then." Dubya and his administration created this fear and paranoia. Now they have to live with it.

Even more entertaining is that Vice President Dick "Go F#@! Yourself" Cheney's approval ratings actually make Dubya's look good by comparison.

Cheney's approval rating, never all that high to begin with, as he's not exactly the warm, cuddly teddy bear everyone had hoped for, has dropped to 18%. More than likely, this is due to his recent hunting accident, where he shot a 78 year-old Texas lawyer in the face. of course, it could also be related to recent revelations in the CIA leak case, where I. Lewis "Scooter" Libby, Cheney's former chief of staff, has told prosecutors that he was given permission from his superiors to leak sensitive information to the press to help build support for the war in Iraq.

With the revelations of these low ratings, even among their base, what is the administration going to do? Are they going to turn around, fly right, and start being honest with the American people?

Well, no. It turns out that Cheney might be taking a forced retirement, according to Insight Magazine.

According to the magazine, "Senior GOP sources envision the retirement of Mr. Cheney in 2007, months after the congressional elections. The sources said Mr. Cheney would be persuaded to step down as he becomes an increasing political liability to President Bush."

"Persuaded to step down"? Sounds like a polite way of saying, "We're going to be cutting the chain that has tied this huge, smelly albatross around our necks for the past five years, before its rotting carcass infiltrates every aspect of what we do any further." Of course, I could be reading too much in to this.

Stay tuned...

All the best,


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