Via a
link at Daily Kos, check out a nifty little graphic from
Radical Writ concerning Dubya's continuously dropping approval rating. (Sorry, for some reason I couldn't post it here.)
Interesting, don't you think?
Dubya's numbers have been dropping pretty consistently lately, with even his media wing, Fox News,
giving him only 39% approval.
And then, of course, there's Senator Russ Feingold's
call for a censure of the president for the illegal wiretapping program. Oh, and let's not forget Representative John Conyer's (D-MI) request for a committee to look into grounds for impeachment against Dubya (
House Resolution 635), first presented on December 18th, 2005, which now has 32 sponsors or co-sponsors in the House.
Of course, one cannot help but also point out that, while it may have seemed implausible that impeachment would be supported by regular Americans like you and me, a new poll suggests that
42% of Americans are now in favor of impeaching Dubya, according to
Raw Story. A slightly higher 46% supports Senator Feingold's call for censure. Here are a few more interesting points from the Raw Story article:
Even more shocking is that just 57% of Republicans are opposed to the move, with 14% still undecided and 29% actually in favor. Fully 70% of Democrats want to see Bush censured.
I'd be lying if I said I wasn't surprised by the Democrat numbers. Who are the other 30%? People with open-head injuries? People who ate lead-based paint chips as children? Joe Leiberman's followers? The world will never know...
All the best,