A report released today, February 9th, by the
National Journal website says that I. Lewis "Scooter" Libby, currently under indictment for lying to a grand jury involved in the investigation of the Valerie Plame leak, told the grand jury that he had been authorized by Vice President "Big Dick" Cheney to leak Plame's identity and other classified information to the press in the summer of 2003.
According to correspondence recently filed by Special prosecutor Patrick J. Fitzgerald, Libby was also authorized by "White House superiors" to leak parts of the National Intelligence Estimate, then still considered classified, regarding Saddam Hussein's supposed efforts to develop nuclear weapons.
Libby has made it clear that he intends to offer a "broad defense" in which he was encouraged and authorized by Cheney and other administration officials, according to unnamed sources with "firsthand knowledge" of this matter, to help build support for the Iraq war during the summer of 2003.
In testimony to the grand jury, Libby also said he was authorized to leak parts of the NIE report to help back up the administration in the face of claims by former ambassador Joseph Wilson that Iraq had never attempted to obtain yellow cake uranium (which is used to build nuclear weapons) from Niger, as Bush himself claimed during his 2003 State of the Union speech. The now infamous 16 words, "The British Government has learned that Saddam Hussein recently sought significant quantities of uranium from
Africa," have continued to be a serious problem for the Bush Administration as support for the war drops further and further in
public opinion polls.
In my own personal opinion, I'm not the least bit surprised to learn that Cheney may be involved in this. The guy is untrustworthy, right down to the cold, black lump of rock that constitutes his "heart". He was the one who kept pushing the whole "weapons of mass destruction" thing, even after it had already been shown to be false.
I really hope this clown goes down with the ship, along with Dubya and the rest of the crew. Especially Karl Rove. Maybe he and Cheney can share a cell together...
Fade InA Prison Cell at a Federal Penitentiary
Rove: Hold me, Mr. Cheney! There's a guy in an orange jumpsuit who wants to make me his wife!
Cheney: Go f&%$ yourself, Karl... I've got to find my nitro pills... Chest...tightening...
Bush: Hey, can you fellas quiet down over there? Ah'm tryin' to get some sleep. It's hard work. It's very hard...
Cheney and Rove: SHUT UP!
Meanwhile, in Another Cell..."The Butcher": You got a purty mouth... What was that I heard them other guys call you?
Libby: Er...(*whimper*)..They call me, uh..."Scooter"...
"The Butcher": When I'm done with ya, yer gonna be scootin' all right...
Fade Out to the Sound of a High-Pitched ScreamAll the best,