First it was Neil, who got buried in the S&L scandal during the 80's.
Then it was Dubya, who was being beaten down over the false statements that led the U.S. into a war with Iraq. The second phase of a congressional investigation into this has been delayed over and over again by congressional Republicans.
Next, it was Dubya again, whose staff appeared to be involved in outing a CIA operative in an attempt to smear her spouse. One indictment has already been made. More may be coming. Stay tuned on this one.
Once more, Dubya was the problem child, being accused of ineptitude and cronyism for putting Michael Brown into a position as the Director of the Federal Emergency Management Agency, whose qualifications spoke for themselves. He had previously been raising horses. In the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina, Dubya continued to put his foot firmly in his mouth by telling him, "Brownie, you're doin' a heck of a job" as thousands of people stood outside the Superdome in New Orleans, surrounded by flood waters, dead bodies, and human filth. The one thing that they didn't have plenty of in New Orleans was food and drinkable water. A heck of a job, indeed.
Again, Dubya's misfortune hit the spotlight when it was leaked to the press that he had been allowing the NSA to conduct wiretaps without getting warrants from the FISA (Foreign Intelligence surveillance Act) court, contravening a 1978 law that required obtaining warrants within 72 hours
after the wiretaps were started. In an attempt to clear his name, Dubya came forward and admitted to it, and then insisted that there was nothing illegal about his activities. He also launched an investigation - not into the legality of his actions, though. Instead, he launched an investigation into finding out where the press had gotten the information
about his illegal wiretapping program.
In the latest edition of Dubya's "Operation: Bungle",
new documents have come to light concerning his actions and proposed plans in the lead-up to the war in Iraq. These plans included painting an unmanned spy plane to look like a U.N. plane in an attempt to get Saddam to fire on it, thereby justifying the invasion.
However... Lest we forget, there is...
Some of you may recall Jeb. He's the governor of Florida. You
do remember Florida, don't you? If not, think back to about, oh, six years or so, in November of 2000. Still nothing? What about Florida Secretary of State Katherine Harris? I bet it's starting to sound familiar now. Here are a few more hints: voter fraud, voter intimidation, incorrectly scrubbed voter rolls. If you can't figure it out on your own by now, you'll just have to look it up.
Anyway, Jeb is in the news again, this time with a possible connection to that Republican favorite, convicted lobbyist Jack Abramoff.
According to an
article in the (Rockford, Illinois) Rock River Times, Jeb has ordered the shredding of documents and public records, bringing in a team from Texas to replace key members of his Tallahassee staff
and oversee the shredding of the documents.
A source at the FBI confirmed that the records were being destroyed, and added that it might be in response to the ongoing probe into Abramoff's activities, as well as a federal investigation of a 2001 gangland-style murder in Miami of a casino boat owner.
Recently, while reading Al Franken's book,
Lies and the Lying Liars Who Tell Them: A Fair and Balanced Look at the Right, I saw a short description of the time Franken met Barbara Bush on an airplane. During their brief conversation, Mrs. Bush told Franken that she was proud of all of her sons. (I have heard no mention of Melvin, who appears to be the Steven Baldwin of the Bush family.) Apparently, she is also very proud of her daughter, Dorothy, who has yet to be indicted for anything as of yet.
Stay tuned to see who will be the next Bush spawn to be connected with some sort of illegal activities!
All the best,
(Author's Note: There was also a second Bush daughter, Robin, who passed away at the age of three from leukemia in 1953. Since I spent a good part of this article - pretty much all of it, really - making fun of the Bush brothers, I thought it would be in poor taste to mention this in the article and I didn't want anyone to think I was making light of her death.)