Sunday, February 05, 2006

Still Not Worried?

For those of you who read my post with the quote from Hermann Goering and rolled your eyes, I've got something else for you to check out. Check out this article from Capitol Hill Blue, the oldest political site on the internet, which states:

"President George W. Bush has signed executive orders giving him sole authority to impose martial law, suspend habeas corpus and ignore the Posse Comitatus Act that prohibits deployment of U.S. troops on American streets. This would give him absolute dictatorial power over the government with no checks and balances."

Now, taking this alone is disturbing enough as it is. But combining it with the similarities between Dubya's actions and those of Nazi Germany, it flat-out terrifying.

According to the article, for those of you who are just too darn lethargic to actually click the above link, Dubya has already considered using these "national security initiatives" put in place by Ronald Reagan in 1984. He first considered using them shortly after the September 11th, 2001 attacks to declare martial law. He actually acted on some of these initiatives after Hurricane Katrina, using the military to act as "police reinforcement", as well as hiring mercenaries from a company called Blackwater USA to "enforce security."

The initiatives were originally "hatched," the article says, " controversial Marine Corps Colonel Oliver North, later one of the key players in the Iran-Contra Scandal." John Brinkerhoff, deputy director of FEMA, developed the martial law implementation plan based on a plan put together by former FEMA director Louis Guiffrida that was designed to stop a "national uprising of militant blacks" after riots broke out across the country in the late 60's, the turning point being the 1968 Detroit Riots. the plan called for jailing of at least 21 million African Americans in "relocation camps".

This is the plan that was reworked for Reagan and first acted upon, in part, by George W. Bush.

If you're not worried, you haven't been paying attention.

All the best,


Anonymous Anonymous said...

The Capitiol (or should I write Kapital) Blue link didn't work. You forgot to mention that Dubya also put the National Guard at all crossing points that basically allowed them the option of detaining anyone who didn't have blond hair and blue eyes! As for what they really did, well hey...we all can play flag football with packages of toilet paper!

10:01 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Flash, check your dates. The riots in Detroit wre in 1968 during the summer and also during the baseball playoffs. This is chronicled in the HBO documentary City on Fire (the story of the 1968 Tigers and the city of Detroit).

P.S. I got a new gig and am currently playing with a band called The Vocal Point Band. (for dates)

3:05 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just read this and it is along the same lines as your's from this week's TIME magazine. ..." Bush's claims of wartime license are so great--the White House and Justice Department have argued that the Commander in Chief's pursuit of national security cannont be constrained by any laws passed by Congress, even when he is acting against U.S. Citizens--that some Senators are considering a constitutional amendment to limit his powers."
An 11th Amendment maybe???

6:55 PM  
Blogger DrClayForrester said...

Nick, damn right, it's scary.

Vern, thanks for catching me on that date. I actually saw that HBO documentary. I should have known better... My bad.

dancin_mom, I fixed the link. I haven't read the Time article, but I agree that there should be an amendment put in place to further limit the president, regardless of who it is at the time. The fact is, by signing this order, he has basically thumbed his nose at the citizens of the U.S., as well as Congress. This is unacceptable. The reason the Constitution is set up the way it is was to keep any particular branch of government from trying to take complete control. What ever happened to "Government for the people, by the people"?


9:03 PM  
Blogger Jeff said...

"You forgot to mention that Dubya also put the National Guard at all crossing points that basically allowed them the option of detaining anyone who didn't have blond hair and blue eyes..."

Wait just a moment! That crack about the blonde hair and blue eyes offends me! I am therefore burning down my garden shed while eating a cheese danish! Those who insult blonde hair and blue eyes shall cause me to commit violence against my own property...while eating a cheese danish or similar pastry! RAH RAH RAH!

11:01 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Depends on what kind of cheese danish it is....if it's the WRONG kind of cheese danish the National Guard will be after you too!!!

9:23 AM  
Blogger DrClayForrester said...

Let's not bring up the Danish... We don't want any "militant Muslims" showing up to burn down my blog because they think I support the political cartoons depicting Muhammad with a bomb in his turban...

That's a whole can of worms I don't want to have to contend with.


11:31 PM  

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